Deep Reinforcement Learning
This page contains a list of the papers about the deep reinforcement learning, organized in sections by subject.
Books & Courses
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, by Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto, 2018
UCL Course on reinforcement learning, by David Silver, 2015
UC Berkeley Course on deep reinforcement learning, by Sergey Levine, 2018
Deep reinforcement learning Course with Tensorflow, by Thomas Simonini
Deep Learning, by Hung-yi Lee
Machine Learning and Python, by huaxiaozhuan
Web Blog
Implementation of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
Deep Q Network vs Policy Gradients, by Felix Yu, 2017
Deep Learning in a Nutshell: Reinforcement Learning
Multi-Armed Bandit
The Multi-Armed Bandit Problem and Its Solutions
Reinforcement Learning
Markov Decision Process
Model-based RL
Model-free RL: Monte Carlo Method
Model-free RL: Time Difference Learning
Value Function Approximation
Policy Gradients
Gym-2, Gym-3,
Gym-4, Gym-5,
Gym-6, Gym-7
Q-Learning but with a Deep Neural Network as a function approximator
Demystifying Deep Reinforcement Learning, by Tambet Matiisen, 2015
Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning, Nature, 2015
Torch implementation of Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning, by deepmind
Tensorflow implementation of Human-Level Control through Deep Reinforcement Learning
learning-rate-for-deep-learning-neural-networks, by Jason Brownlee
Multi-Agent RL
Note-1, Note-2